Essay Blog

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Thursday, December 24, 2009


  1. The way you formated your poem is brilliant. I like how it is actually on the painting and the unique shape the writing takes. The font you chose for the poem adds to the effect; I like it. Besides the look of the poem, the writing itself is great. Nice job!

  2. Your theme of the poem is brilliant, and the way you placed the text on the picture really adds to the effect. Great job!

  3. I love this poem!! The effect of setting your words up the way you did is amazing and really powerful, especially the end of how time will end because the poem stops. I found the meaning you wrote through the entire poem and read it a second time because it made me think. This is fabulous!

  4. I really liked how you put the poem on the actually art, that's really cool! Also, I like the shape of the poem because it makes the feeling of a river so much more powerful. You did awesome!

  5. The flow of your poem is really good. Also the way you made the words look like they were painted on the picture adds to the effect of the poem. This poem is really good.

  6. The message behind this poem is reallly good. And the picture you put the text on fits really well with the topic. Great job! :)
