Essay Blog

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Ability to Escape

Author’s note: So as a society I think we have a problem. We find all these things that help us escape reality, escape the truth: alcohol, food, drugs. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde a potion is used. Eventually this “escape” takes over completely. Why do we think running away from everything that’s hard in life is going to help us? I personally believe God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle. Anyways, this is a poem about our tendency to run away from everything. We created our reality so why run away from it? Maybe it’s because we become consumed by the chase. Dr. Jekyll was consumed by his alter ego, the simple obsession with what was wrong and had once been out of reach. I think that come pretty close in relation with OUR true desires.

Cool air burns the raw of my throat
Heart pounding
Time slows
Nature silences
And the light seduced to a glimmer

My palms wet with fear
Whispers stir the qualm of my mind
Such hopelessness
Once so absent
I mustered an escape

My breath weakens
My knees shake
And the ground becomes my resting place
There is nothing left
I’ve used it all
The sudden fatal blow

This reality I’ve spent so long creating
Now crashes to the floor
My only wish
To forget
Leave it all dwindling behind me

Weakness driving the mind
I run instead
Send away my fears
Brushing the past from my shoulders
Only a temporary high
And it returns once more.

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