Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Good Earth: Response 2
Wang Lung ended up selling his furniture for a small price; it had been more money than he had held in a long time. I think there is something wrong with this. The House of Hwang possessed more money than any other villager had really ever seen before. Why then don't they even think to help just a little? Wang Lung's family was forced to go to the south in search of food to survive when this fruitful house is plentiful with food.
As I was reading I found that it is noticed more and more how strong and wise O'lan is. For, not once did she break down, not knowing what to do. She kept her head high. Even when she was forced to beg, she did it with pride and perseverance--not afraid of what tomorrow might bring. I find a role model in these type of women. When I compare myself to the heroes I find that I am weak and the only way to become such a woman as that, is to take risks and go on, even when life is tough.
Trickling World by Olivia Ritchie
Bubbling, trickling.
These sounds come alive,
silently but echoing to my ear.
Peace you feel at times,
so hard to understand.
For God made this natural wonder,
we learn to appreciate and treasure
each moment we spend in aw observing.

Busy city racing by,
creating a picture very different.
Longing to stay right here
for eternity,
we can't.
People must be among people.
But we continue to come back
to this place where we found happiness
for just a second.
Counting on the water to bring us hope
that somewhere a brighter tomorrow lives
with open arms.
All of the tragedy surrounding the world
may someday resolve,
though we wait for that time to come.
We will always come back to this place
see ourselves again
as innocent.
No one will hurt us here
everything and everyone is calm.
The waves of fear and pain
cannot hit us in this private get away.
This is where the world may someday
find itself again.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Good Earth
In America it is stressed that every man is treated equally but in China it is found that the rich are the rich and the poor are the poor and it seems as though it is meant to stay that way. Money is a great issue for Wang Lung. The gate keeper at the House of Hwang looks at his food and immediately says it is equivalent to what is fed to the dogs. I find this an extremely cruel thing to say, yet Wang Lung takes it in as if it has been said to him everyday of his life. Being in such a large home with such exquisite art and clothing all around Wang Lung feels insecure and is given no respect--just as women are given no respect in that time. I feel this story will transform into a life lesson about respect and love between people. For even in the darkest places people have found love and it has changed them wholly as a person.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Princess in a Castle
As it glitters in the humidity. I walk, carefully but sure of myself. I've found a confidence I had never experienced before. My back is forced straight, I step forward. A chill runs up my spine. I'm not sure why but I feel stronger each step. As though I could run straight through a wall. My dress drags behind me making it hard to walk but I go on. The winding stairs seem to go on forever. Not knowing when I might see a sign of human flesh again in this grey, dreary hallway. I descend carefully, conscious of the fact I could fall at any moment. Careful but silent. I hear the wind through the slender diamond windows on either side of me. The smell of nature outside that I have never really seen before. I finally come to the balcony and look over the ledge, I see the kingdom-- the place I've always felt a sense of belonging. People wave and cheer. Yelling my name. It feels like I am as high as heaven itself. I sparkle with silk. Every last inch of my fragile body covered with this glamorous fabric. No worries upon this pedestal. For this is my home. And I will live up to my potential and make all these gracious and trusting people proud. I am the princess and this is my castle. I strive to make my piece of this world a better place.